Aquapure II Facial Deep Cleansing Service

The AQUAPURE II system is designed for deep exfoliation and extraction while boosting the skin’s texture with hydration and supplying nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. During the treatment, the surface of the skin is vacuumed away, removing whiteheads, blackheads excess oil and dead skin cell while AQUASOLUTION is delivered into deeper layers of the skin, supplying hydrating agents into the skin. This non-invasive treatment can lift, tighten and brighten the skin. Indications for performing the treatment are:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Oily / Congested Skin
  • Mild acne scars
  • Coarse pores
  • Stretch marks
  • Sagging skin
Is it suitable for me?

AQUAPURE II is designed to suit all skin types and offers a variety of treatments with the focus of multitude skin conditions,in order to boost the skin’s rejuvenation and enhance reparition with the best immediate results.

Contraindications of getting treatments

Here is the list of main contraindications for the treatments:

  • Pregnancy or when breastfeeding
  • Severe or cystic acne
  • Facial nerve tumors
  • Allergies to AQUASOLUTION ingredients
  • Open wounds, abrasions, and inflammation on the treatment areas
  • Allergies to chemical peels
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Hemorrhagic disease, any trauma or a person who is bleeding
  • Skin inflammation or edema on the treatment areas
  • Currently taking steroid or cortisone injection
  • Having a pacemaker
How long does the treatment take?

A complete treatment can take as little as 60 minutes with no downtime.

How many sessions do I need?

The recommended treatment plan is 5~8 sessions which can be done once or twice a month depending on the customer’s skin condition and desired results.


Post-treatment, patients should avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours and ensure the application of sunscreen.

When can I expect visible results?

Results will be seen right after and during the recovery process, approximately within 2-3 weeks.